
Murrayfield Golf Club

Club & Invitation Mixed Foursomes Stableford

Sunday 11th August 2024
Murrayfield, Tees - White, Red
H'cap Allowance: 50% Combined Handicap

NOTES FOR PRO  SHOP. Please ensure that you mark up on the Start sheet whether entrant is Club (C) or Invitation(I)

 This is a mixed format competition, teams MUST be 1 Lady 1 Gent

The 2 competitions run at once - The Club Mixed (both players members for the Menzies Trophy) and The Invitation Mixed (1 member, 1 guest for the Lawson Memorial Trophy).  The prize fund will be split between the 2 competitions.


 Pease indicate to the Pro Shop whether you are Club or Invitation and they will mark it on the Startsheet


 Cancellation Policy

Club & Invitation Mixed Foursomes Stableford

Sunday 11th August 2024, White & Red Tees, Murrayfield

Congratulations to the winners of the Club and Invitation Foursomes Stableford


Position Names Points Prize Each
1st H/C Lorna Hay-Smith & Xiongwei (Shaun) Ni (41) £180.00 £90.00
2nd H/C Hamish Mundie & Susan Stephen (37) £90.00 £45.00
3rd H/C Alastair Wilson & Kensey Wilson (37) £54.00 £27.00
4th H/c Carol Grant & Iain McCallum (35) £36.00 £18.00

Lorna Hay-Smith & Xiongwei (Shaun) Ni win the Menzies Trophy


Position Names Points Peize Each
1st H/C Peter Gillespie & Jill L Shepherdson (Gatehouse/) (37) £180.00 £90.00
2nd H/C Ann Bunker & George Jaap (/Bruntsfield Links Golfing Society Ltd) (36) £90.00 £45.00
3rd H/C Nick ARMSTRONG & Judith Drummond (/Swanston Ltd) (36) £54.00 £27.00
4th H/C Chris Whytock & Joyce Whytock (/Ravelston) (35) £36.00 £18.00

Peter Gillespie & Jill L Shepherdson (Gatehouse/) win the Lawson Memorial Trophy.

All member prixe money credited to Pro Shop account, all visitor prize money issued as SGU Vouchers

There were six  2's scored winning each team £34.17 and each team member £17.08

Names Hole
Aileen Hawthorn & Alan W Hawthorn 7
Hamish Mundie & Susan Stephen 13
Fiona Dewar & Carl Johnstone 7
Fraser Elder & Lesley M McPherson 13
David Bowie & Heather Bowie 7
Alison Blain & Andrew Blain 13

All 2's prize money credited to pro Shop account.

For longest Drives and nearest the pin the following win 2 bottles of Red Win and 2 bottles of white wine for their teams

Gents Longest Drive from 3rd Fraser Elder  

Ladies Longest Drive from 4th Lorna Hay-Smith 

Nearest Pin Gents on 7th David Bowie

Nearest the Pin Ladies 10th  Ann Bunker


View Statistics for this Competition Twos Report

Results Score 
1stLorna Hay-Smith & Xiongwei (Shaun) Ni 41
2ndPeter Gillespie & Jill L Shepherdson (Gatehouse/)37
3rdHamish Mundie & Susan Stephen 37
4thAlastair Wilson & Kensey Wilson 36
5thAnn Bunker & George Jaap (/Bruntsfield Links Golfing Society Ltd)36
6thNick ARMSTRONG & Judith Drummond (/Swanston Ltd)36
7thChris Whytock & Joyce Whytock (/Ravelston)35
8thCarol Grant & Iain McCallum 35
9thFraser Elder & Lesley McPherson (/Archerfield Links)34
10thAileen Hawthorn & Alan W Hawthorn (/Royal Burgess Golfing Society of Edinburgh)34
11thColin Glynne-Percy & Robyn Glynne-Percy 33
12thFiona Dewar & Carl Johnstone (/Crieff)33
13thElliott Johnstone & Alison Murchie 33
14thStevie Arnott & Jane Gourlay (/Leven Golfing Society)33
15thElaine Duguid & Ian M Duguid (/Royal Burgess Golfing Society of Edinburgh)32
16thNick I Hudson & Anne McMenigall 32
17thChristopher Hardie & Judith Hardie 32
18thJosh Hunt & Hazel G Peplinski (/Bruntsfield Links Golfing Society Ltd)32
19thDavid Bowie & Heather Bowie 32
20thJames H Hall & Michele Stewart (/Royal Burgess Golfing Society of Edinburgh)31
21stAlison Blain & Andrew Blain (/Royal Burgess Golfing Society of Edinburgh)31
22ndCraig Docherty & E Penny Docherty (/Royal Burgess Golfing Society of Edinburgh)31
23rdJoanne Doddie & John Doddie 30
24thSamantha Dickson & Stuart Dickson (/Bruntsfield Links Golfing Society Ltd)29
25thValerie J Aitchison & Dave Simpson 29
26thBill Cuthbert & Margaret Fletcher (/Mortonhall)28
27thJane Dumayne & David Murray (/Elie & Earlsferry Ladies)28
28thDavid McCaig & Heather Thomson 28
29thKen Grant & Sue Grant (/Bruntsfield Links Golfing Society Ltd)28
30thCaroline Johnstone & Alan Stevenson (/Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers)28
31stGordon Duff & Louise Duff (/Bruntsfield Links Golfing Society Ltd)27
32ndC Leslie R Hutchison & Judy Hutchison 27
33rdChristopher J W Reid & Joanna Reid (/Luffness New)26
34thShona Morland & Andy Thomson (/Ravelston)26
35thMartin Shepherdson & Linda Sneath (/Kilspindie)26
36thFrances Douglas & David Thomson (/Ravelston)26
37thLouise Maloy & Peter Maloy 24
38thColin Murphy & Corrie Murphy (/Newbiggin)24
39thJack Duthie & Margaret Porter (/Ravelston)24
40thAlfred Buchan & Joan A Pennie (/Dundas Parks)8
41stAlan Walkingshaw & Patricia K Walkingshaw 1

Competition in Progress

Page will refresh results automatically for one hour

Competition Fees:
  • £22.00 Per Team - Members (Required On Entry)
Open To: Men & Ladies
Current Entries: 84

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